What triggers you? What makes you angry as fuck? What hurts your heart?

When’s the last time you sat down and took a deep look into your soul and belief system? If your answer is never, that’s essentially what shadow work is. It’s becoming aware and getting to know your darker side, your beliefs, your traumas, your fears, your deeper thoughts, and uncovering the why.

Why do I believe this? Where did this come from? What causes me to react like this?

Shadow work isn’t meant to make you hate who you are, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. Shadow work is meant to help you LOVE who you are, love every piece of you and accept yourself. Messy feelings will definitely come about during your shadow work journey — feelings of anger, resentment, fear, sadness, defeat, disgust — because you’re face to face with the you you’ve been trying to bury for so long. But from these feelings will come love, compassion, peace, and acceptance.

When you start to question yourself, you begin to get to the root of the why. What do you do with that why? Well… that’s up to you, but at least you’re aware of it.

The point of shadow work is to know yourself better. When you start uncovering your conscious/subconscious self and reflect on what you find, you begin to quiet the screams of your shadows and tackle the problems in your life.

This is the journey to self-love.

<aside> 📌 Need help with shadow work? Try the A Month of Self Discovery journal to get you started, or explore the different ways I can help you, here.


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