Every time I watch or read something that expands my point of view, brings about different perspectives, or shocks me about the reality of the world we live in, I’ll put it here. Go down the rabbit hole of information, if you so dare, Alice. 😉

  1. Honestly, before you watch anything else, watch this. It’s 30min so instead of endlessly browsing through Netflix to find something to watch, watch this educational content. Take some time to digest this and let me know what you think.
  2. What is our connection to Israel that they don’t want us to know about? Seems like Israel has MAJOR control over “officials” of the US that they don’t want us to know. Check out this short clip about 9/11 and Israel’s connection to it. Notice anything? Let me know what you notice.
  3. So. The world is not as it seems. Seriously watch this and you will see how EVERYTHING has been a lie. Check this out, though keep in mind it’s 3hrs longs so you’ll definitely want to take your time with this. But this seriously needs to be viewed by all so we can start changing shit around here. I’m TIRED of these people.

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I write about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel while living in modern times.



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